Curriculum Vitae


Manuscripts: (* = mentored undergraduate)

Hammond, W.M., “A matter of life and death: alternative stable states in trees, from xylem to ecosystems.” Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. (2020, in press, link)

Hammond, W.M., Stone, M.E.B., and Stone, P.A., “Picture worth a thousand words: updating repeat photography for 21st century ecologists.” Ecology and Evolution. (2020, in press, link)

Kant, M.*, Angle, J., Hammond, W., Adams, H. “Stressed about drought stress: measuring plant physiology in a rapidly changing climate.” American Biology Teacher. (2020, in press, link)

Hammond, W.M., Yu, K.L., Wilson, L.A.*, Will, R.E., Anderegg, W.R.L., and Adams, H.D., "Dead or dying? Quantifying the point of no return from hydraulic failure in drought-induced tree mortality." New Phytologist. (2019). (link)

Hammond, W.M., and Adams, H.D., "Dying on time: Traits influencing the dynamics of tree mortality risk from drought." Tree Physiology. (2019). (link)

Hartmann, H., Adams, H., Hammond, W.M., Hoch, G., Landhäusser, S., Wiley, E., and Zähle, S. “Identifying differences in carbohydrate dynamics of seedlings and mature trees to improve carbon allocation in models for trees and forests.” Environmental and Experimental Botany. 152: 7-18. (2018). (link)

(in review) Hammond, W.M., Williams, A.P., Abatzoglou, J.T., Adams, H.D., Klein, T., Rodríguez, R., Sáenz-Romero, C., Hartmann, H., and Allen, C.D., “A hotter-drought fingerprint on Earth’s forest mortality sites–warming accelerates risks”

(in review) Wilson, L.A.*, Hammond, W.M., Breshears, D.D., Law, D.J., Field, J.P., and Barron-Gafford, G.A. “Overwhelming heat waves: temperature response function reveals tree seedlings risk hastened mortality in future climates”

(in prep) Hammond, W.M., Dee, J., Freeman, A.J., McNiel, K., Papeş, M., Hallgren, S., and Adams, H.D., “The future is now: a novel method for testing predictions of species distribution models.”

Talks & Posters:

December, 2020. Hammond, W.M., Williams, A.P., Abatzoglou, J.T., Adams, H.D., Klein, T., Rodríguez, R., Sáenz-Romero, C., Hartmann, H., and Allen, C.D., “A global database of geo-referenced drought and heat-induced tree mortality events reveals climatic drivers of forest die-off.” Virtual poster at the 2020 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.

July, 2020. Hammond, W.M. “What kills trees? Where? When? More questions than answers about drought-induced tree mortality.” Invited seminar, Holbrook Lab, Harvard University.

July, 2020. Hammond, W.M. “A global database of geo-referenced drought and heat-induced tree mortality events reveals drivers of forest die-off”. Invited seminar by Klein Lab, Weizmann Institute of Science, IL.

June, 2020. Hammond, W.M., Wilson, L.A.*, Wagner, Y., Bar-on, P., Klein, T., Will, R.E., and Adams, H.D. “Not dead yet: costs and consequences for trees surviving extreme hydraulic failure.” Oral presentation at the Ecology Society of America annual meeting.

December, 2019. Hammond, W.M., Wilson, L.A.*, Will, R.E., and Adams, H.D., “Not dead yet: costs and consequences for trees surviving extreme hydraulic failure.” Oral presentation at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.

June, 2019. Hammond, W.M., Yu, K., Wilson, L.A., Will, R.E., Anderegg, W.R.L., Torres-Ruiz, J.M., Badel, E., Cochard, H., and Adams, H.D. “Dead, or dying? Quantifying the point of no return from hydraulic failure in drought-induced tree mortality.” Oral presentation at 2019 North American Forest Ecology Workshop (NAFEW).

February, 2019. Hammond, W.M., Wilson, L.A., Torres-Ruiz, J.M., and Adams, H.D., Kill it without fire: Quantifying lethal drought stress for eastern redcedar, Juniperus virginiana. Oral Presentation at the 2019 Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference (OKNRC).

December, 2018. Hammond, W.M., Stone, M.E.B., Delametter, R.J., Cooper, K.J., and Stone, P.A., "Picture worth a thousand words: repeat photography for the 21st century scientist." Poster Presentation at the 2018 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting.

August, 2018. Hammond, W.M., Yu, K.L., Wilson, L.A., Will, R.E., Anderegg, W.R.L., and Adams, H.D., "Point of no return: experimental determination of the lethal hydraulic threshold during drought for loblolly pine." Oral Presentation at the 2018 Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting.

June, 2018.  Hammond, W.M., Yu, K.L., Wilson, L.A., Will, R.E., Anderegg, W.R.L., and Adams, H.D., "To tree, or not to tree? Mechanisms of tree mortality under global-change-type drought." Oral Presentation at the 2018 Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) for Multiscale Vascular Plant Biology.

June, 2018.  Hammond, W.M., Yu, K.L., Wilson, L.A., Will, R.E., Anderegg, W.R.L., and Adams, H.D., "To tree, or not to tree? Mechanisms of tree mortality under global-change-type drought." Poster Presentation at the 2018 Gordon Research Conference (GRC) for Multiscale Vascular Plant Biology.

December, 2017. Hammond, W.M., Yu, K.L., Wilson, L.A., Will, R.E., Anderegg, W.R.L., and Adams, H.D., "Point of no return: experimental determination of the lethal hydraulic threshold during drought for loblolly pine." Oral Presentation at the 2017 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting. 

November, 2017. Hammond, W.M., Dee, J., Freeman, A.J., Papeş, M., Hallgren, S., and Adams, H.D., “Learning from the Recent Past: Modelling Present Suitability of Cross Timbers in Oklahoma.” Oral Presentation at the 2017 Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting.

August, 2017. Hammond, W.M., Dee, J., Freeman, A.J., Papeş, M., Hallgren, S., and Adams, H.D., “Learning from the Recent Past: Modelling Present Suitability of Cross Timbers in Oklahoma.” Oral Presentation at the 2017 Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting.

March, 2017. Hammond, W.M., Stone, P.A. “Before the Burn: Repeat Photography of the Peloncillo Moutnains.” Oral presentation at the 2017 Southwestern Association of Naturalists (SWAN) annual meeting.

February, 2017. Hammond, W.M., Freeman, A.J., Papeş, M., Hallgren, S., and Adams, H.D., “Learning from the Recent Past: Modelling Present Suitability of Cross Timbers in Oklahoma.” Oral Presentation at the 2017 Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference (OKNRC).

April, 2016. Hammond, W.M. and Bass, D.A., “Storm Water Runoff: A Tale of Two Cities.” Poster Presentation at Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds Association (OCLWA) 25th Annual Meeting. Won second place for student poster presentations.

April, 2016. Hammond, W.M. and Stone, P.A. “Repeat Photography in the Peloncillo Mountains.” Oral presentation at Tri-Beta South-Central Regional Conference. Second place oral presentation for the conference.

March, 2016. Hammond, W.M., Cheek, J.L., and Stone, P.A. “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough: Chihuahuan Pine Distribution in the Peloncillo Mountains” Poster Presentation at Oklahoma Research Day.

March, 2016. Hammond, W.M. and Stone, P.A., “Before the Burn: Repeat Photography in the Peloncillo Mountains.” Poster Presentation at Oklahoma Research Day.

March, 2016. Hammond, W.M. and Bass, T.D., “Storm Water Runoff: A Tale of Two Cities.” Poster Presentation at Oklahoma Research Day.


Outstanding Student Presentation Award. "Picture worth a thousand words: repeat photography for the 21st century scientist." American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2018 Fall Meeting.

Selected as a 2018 Laureate of the Make Our Planet Great Again short-stay program. "To tree, or not to tree? Mechanisms of tree mortality under drought." Campus France. (June, 2018).

First Place,  From Research Idea to Smartphone App Competition.   "reCapp. Smartphone application for repeat photography of landscape change." Oklahoma State University App Center. (December, 2017)

Three Minute Thesis (3MT) - University Finalist. (November, 2017)


$138,000 - Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology (PRFB), Rules of Life. “Seeing the forest for the (phylogenetic) trees: defining lineage functional types (LFTs) to improve Earth system model predictions via inclusion of phylogeny and physiology.” National Science Foundation. (April, 2020).

$1,200 - Dr. Homer and Mrs. May Tang Distinguished Graduate Fellowship, Graduate College, Oklahoma State University. (July 2020)

$138,000 - Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). "Point of no return: experimental determination of lethal hydraulic thresholds during water stress for global forests." National Science Foundation. (April, 2018).

$4,000 - Summer Graduate Research Fellowship, Graduate College, Oklahoma State University. (May 2017)


$4,000 - Professor Rahamimoff Travel Grants for Young Scientists. “Origin and spread of xylem embolism under drought stress.” United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF). July-August, 2019, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.

$4,000 - Laureate of 2019 “Make Our Planet Great Again” shot-stay program. “To tree, or not to tree? Mechanisms of tree mortality under drought.” Campus France. (June, 2018, INRA UMR-PIAF, Clermont-Ferrand, France)

$500 - McPherson Award, Department of Plant Biology, Ecology, and Evolution. (February 2018)

$1,000 - South Central Climate Science Center Student Travel Grant (October, 2017)

$1,000 - McPherson Award, Department of Plant Biology, Ecology, and Evolution. (February 2017)

$500 - Research, Creative, and Scholarly Activities Grant, University of Central Oklahoma, "Repeat Photography in the Peloncillo Mountains." (January, 2016)